marginal tax rate

marginal tax rate
  1. предельная налоговая ставка
  2. маржинальная ставка налога


маржинальная ставка налога
Дополнительный налог, уплачиваемый на каждую единицу прироста дохода. Так, в Великобритании налогоплательщик, выплачивающий подоходный налог по более высокой ставке (higher rate) в 40 %, будет выплатить налоги по этой же ставке на все свои дополнительные доходы, а также на все свои облагаемые налогом доходы от прироста капитала (см.: capital gains tax (налог на доходы от прироста рыночной стоимости капитала)). При системе прогрессивного налогообложения (progressive tax system) наблюдается тенденция очень высоких ставок налога на дополнительные доходы и богатых, и бедных, результатом чего является “ловушка нищеты” (poverty trap) для бедных и, как утверждается, отсутствие стимулов к работе у богатых.


  • финансы


  • marginal tax rate


предельная налоговая ставка
Та часть дополнительного рубля доходов, которая должна быть выплачена в виде налогов.


  • экономика


  • marginal tax rate

Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии. . 2015.

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Смотреть что такое "marginal tax rate" в других словарях:

  • marginal tax rate — The percentage rate at which an individual s or business s next dollar of income is taxed. Compare: tax bracket Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations → Business Accounting, Bookkeeping & Finances Category: Business Cash Flow Problems &… …   Law dictionary

  • Marginal Tax Rate — The amount of tax paid on an additional dollar of income. The marginal tax rate for an individual will increase as income rises. This method of taxation aims to fairly tax individuals based upon their earnings, with low income earners being taxed …   Investment dictionary

  • marginal tax rate — noun : the rate of additional federal income tax to be paid on additional income * * * marginal tax rate noun (finance) The percentage of each pound of extra income paid in tax • • • Main Entry: ↑margin …   Useful english dictionary

  • marginal tax rate — The *tax rate paid on the last unit of taxable income, or on an extra unit of taxable income. Under *progressive tax systems, the marginal rate is the highest rate of tax that falls on an individual or organization …   Auditor's dictionary

  • Marginal tax rate — The tax rate that would have to be paid on any additional dollars of taxable income earned. The New York Times Financial Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • marginal tax rate — The tax rate that would have to be paid on any additional dollars of taxable income earned . Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • marginal tax rate — /ˌmɑ:dʒɪn(ə)l tæks reɪt/ noun same as marginal rate of tax …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Effective marginal tax rate — The term effective marginal tax rates , often abbreviated as EMTR refers to the combined effect of income tax and means testing of government welfare. It is the percentage of an extra unit of income (extra dollar, euro, yen etc) that the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tax rate — For a type of taxation system in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, see Rates (tax). Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy …   Wikipedia

  • tax rate — Amount of tax imposed on personal or corporate income, capital gains, gifts, estates, sales, etc. See also tax rate schedules. Marginal tax rate. The tax rate on the last dollar of taxable income earned by an individual or firm …   Black's law dictionary

  • tax rate — The percentage of tax paid for different levels of income. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * tax rate tax rate ➔ rate1 * * * tax rate UK US noun [C] TAX, FINANCE ► the percentage of an amount or value that has to be paid in tax: »Tax rates… …   Financial and business terms

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